I. General
Sale and delivery are made exclusively under the conditions listed below. They apply to all our offers and orders placed with us. The placing of an order or at the latest the acceptance of our goods or services is considered acknowledgment of our terms and conditions.
Offers, price lists, brochures and other printed matter are non-binding. Oral agreements with us will only be valid after a written confirmation from us. The conditions of purchase of the buyer are not binding for us, even if we do not expressly contradict them.
Specified delivery times and dates are not binding for us. We are entitled to make partial deliveries with immediate calculation. A delay in delivery, caused by force majeure, breakdowns, delivery deadline of pre-suppliers, etc., does not constitute a right of withdrawal from the contract as well as direct or indirect compensation for non-fulfillment of the delivery contract.
A withdrawal from an order is only valid after a written confirmation from us.
When returning ordered goods, we are entitled to charge value reduction and costs amounting to at least 20% of the net value of goods. It is not possible to replace or credit already used or tested products.
On all items sold by us, we provide the warranty specified by the manufacturer. The warranty expires in case of alteration to the object of purchase, installation of parts of foreign origin, failure to follow the operating or user instructions or negligent or improper treatment. Natural wear is excluded from the warranty. If necessary, we only pay damages in the amount of the value of the purchased object delivered by us. Further claims, especially for consequential damages, are excluded.
Complaints can only be accepted within 8 days after receipt of the goods. Small deviations of the object of purchase in color, shape, appearance or dimension are no reason for complaint. Reproductions, enlargements and reordering may result in color differences from the original or the first images. A complaint is not justified by this.
With our deliveries we are free to choose the means of transport. Costs for an accelerated or special mode of transport desired by the purchaser shall be borne by the purchaser. The dispatch takes place in each case on danger of the receiver. All claims for damages must be made against the respective transport company (for example, post office, rail or freight forwarding).
By creating an image order, the client expressly acknowledges our image conception and design. Any change requests will be charged separately. We are not liable for loss of film or data. Further claims for damages, especially in wedding receptions, are excluded. The storage of our own negatives and data takes place without any guarantee.
All work is carried out by us with the greatest possible care and to the best of our ability, or passed on to other companies. Complaints regarding obvious defects must be made within 8 days. A recognition, however, is possible only on presentation of the objectionable work. Submitted templates or objects are treated with care by us. For loss, loss, damage or impairment we are liable only for intent or gross negligence and only up to the coverage of our liability insurance. An insurance exceeding this amount would have to be taken out by the client himself.
Signatures and inscriptions on our portraits or pictures do not justify a complaint.
When placing orders of reproductions or enlargements of any kind, we assume that the customer is entitled to do so or that he has the copyright to do so. Any infringement of copyright is therefore solely at the expense of the client.
II. Prices, terms of payment
The goods or services remain our property until full payment. The replacement of all dunning and collection charges as well as 14% default interest is agreed. The client agrees that in the event of late payment, works, own or third-party negatives, films, templates, data carriers, files, etc. can be withheld from us to secure evidence until our claims have been settled in full. The prices valid on the day of delivery are calculated in € uro plus VAT. We reserve the right to deliver against prepayment or cash on delivery, whereby we charge cash on delivery charges. Bills of exchange are not accepted.
Our invoices are payable within the payment deadlines indicated on the respective invoice. Any discount deductions will only be accepted within the specified discount period and only if all due invoices have been paid. When offsetting against credit memos, the cash discount is only granted on the remaining balance after clearing.
The eventual granted work license is only valid after payment of the entire invoice.
The shipping costs will be charged separately. We charge for packaging, shipping and handling fees according to the price list.
If a deterioration occurs during the term of orders or after your delivery in the assets of the customer, we are entitled to withdraw immediately from the contract. Any costs incurred by us or our supplier shall be borne by the purchaser.

III. Fulfillment and jurisdiction
Place of performance and place of jurisdiction for all rights and obligations resulting from oral or written order placement as well as from our deliveries is exclusively Vienna.
With the announcement of these terms and conditions, all previous terms and conditions known by us are repealed.
The data required for the transaction are stored in a data processing system and processed by automation. A transmission of the data takes place exclusively in the context of the legal regulations and for the execution of the money and payment traffic as well as the support. All employees to whom the data are accessible are subject to confidentiality.
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